Welcome to Example Federation
Welcome to Durham Federation, the land of the Prince Bishops and a county of contrasts. In the east we have the communities whose prosperity was based on 'King Coal', alas, now gone. To the west we have the Dales of Weardale and Teesdale. We also have the unique landscape of the North Pennines, created by farming and lead mining over the years.
Central to the whole county is Durham City. A world heritage site where town, gown and ecclesiastics meet on the peninsular high above the river Wear. Christmas for WI members begins with our carol service in the Cathedral.
Our WIs reflect the diversity of the county as each pursues their own interests in their programmes, but they also reflect community needs, in their support of recycling, footpath surveys etc. The federation acts as the hub for craft classes, darts competitions, quizzes, walks in the Lake District and the Northumberland coast, as well as giving support to many more interests and WI mandates.
Mrs Freda Laverick
Federation Chairman